God’s Spoken Word, It Makes Lemons Into Lemonade.

The past few years have been my hardest. Most of the difficulty has been to let the Lord reach deep down into hidden areas of my soul and pull up those past wounds and open doors and allow Him to bring healing and deliverance. I never knew how ugly and hard my soul really was. I mean, I am a good person, I went to church, I love the Lord, I love people, I have made good decisions, I did not do drugs, drink alcohol, have sex untill I was married, etc. But I have learned the differnce between knowing God’s love and experiencing/interacting with God’s love. Knowing God and trusting Him are not the same thing. Many of us know God but most of us trust in things other than God. I have noticed that most of us trust in the things of God, such as, the gifts and calls on our life, rather than in HIM. Even reading our bible and prayer life are done without much interaction with Father God.  So, what I am saying is that until I started making hearing God’s SPOKEN word (faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God) and his presence more inportant than my own needs and desires, life would bring me lemons.  So, my stance is the old saying, “When life brings you lemons make lemonade”! I personally know that God does not bring you the lemons, our choices do. So, I am taking in the lemons, squishing out the juice, adding as much sugar as I can, interaction with my Father God every day, and making something useful, lemonade. Lemonade is not my favorite beverage, but, as Father continues to reveal the freedom I so long have denied, because of my lack in trusting and believing HIM, it will become whatever beverage I want.  So come on all you beautiful people and lets put our best foot forward and take those negatives and remake them into positives. It really is all up to how we CHOOSE to look at our circumstances. Many blessings in all of your adventures with Father!

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