My Quiet Time

Below is what God spoke to me in my quite time.

You are lost, I am here to free you.
You will be saved through me, and only by me, you will feel peace. Do not assume any unrecognized knowledge as your own, but assume me as your knowledge and you will know all. You are doing great, just stay on my path and do not stray or you will be conflicted by sin. Do not listen to your own thoughts but listen to my voice for I should be the only. Love me and I will love you, but if you hate me, I still will still love you. Receive my blessing of the holy spirit and destroy all evil that comes before you, for you are my creation that I have created. Spread my word to all  and for you will be closer to me.  Love me for who you are because you are perfect in every way. Praise me, release me for you will love, and do not hate each other due to insecurities but accept a persons flaws and move along. I am godly and sometimes you know not. I have freed you and you do not come to the full acknowledgement of my grace. The time has come for the demons to fall that try to return for I am your savior. The gifts you have were born into you & you will use them for me. I will not speak aloud to you but I will show you through your dreams and thoughts. Repent for I am the truth and you will not be lost.

My Testimony

I was truly saved on 3/27/11, I was lost for the longest time even after I was saved the last two times a few years back. My mother practices witchcraft along with having a Muslim bloodline which I believe dampened my sanity along with the on going sin that consumed me. I felt like all hope was lost and that I was stuck to face the punishment in my human temple. I was stuck worrying about earthly ways.

Who ever knows me doesn’t even know this because sometimes I feel lost with my words at times but I had a voice come inside my head on the Friday before I became saved saying that you will have the next two days of your life a living hell! And I believed that if I did go to Jason’s class that maybe my spirits would be lifted.

What happened next was terrifying. I felt like I’ve had demons inside me for the longest time but if finally showed it’s ugly face. I was so scared… I said things and even tried to hurt them that I would have never done in a million years.. to complete strangers! My emotions ran wild from sadness to complete over powering rage!!! The struggle lasted for 4 hours.

Then finally truth came into my heart and the will to LIVE finally put its hold on me. I FINALLY felt peace and I rejoiced!

If you are reading this… I want you to reread it again to ingrain this inside you that this is a real testimony and demons are very real! And they will lie to you, promise false hope, give you riches and a identity to cover up what is good inside of you! (Thank you Jason for telling me this tonight :-] )

If you are not saved, you do possess the strength to push it out of you and claim your soul for it is yours! Jesus is the path to salvation and he offers truth! I hope my testimony is enough to make you believe!