Going beyond…

Paul Morehouse

5-9-11 going beyond..

Paul, my Son it is my desire that you have life and have it more abundantly.  The so called welding test is just that a test to see if you will allow me to take you beyond what your mind says you are capable of.  I pray that you will refuse to allow your mind to set limits for you.  I want you to come to a place where you trust me so much that you will say ok, “God you decide how far I go and how far I soar”.  Paul, wait on me and see what happens quit trying to do the impossible in your own strength, but allow me to be your strength. 

  I hold the past, present, and future so quit worrying and trust in me, not in your own strength and knowledge of what you think u-know.  Yes, my people think they know it all, but will they listen and hear the truth of a matter?  The Truth is beyond what u-think u- know.  Let me take you beyond, be in my presence and you will go beyond the limitations of man.  Just trust me with your past, present, and future.  There will be no telling how far you can go beyond!  I am in the beyond, so quit looking for me in the behind.  Look up for your redemption draws nigh.   Let me be “everything” and all that is beyond.

  Love God, your heavenly Father

A Heavenly Father’s love for His Child

Paul Morehouse

4-17-11 A Heavenly Father’s Love for His Child

Hello, Paul you are already clean my Son’s blood has you covered.  See through my eyes, and then you can walk where I have walked.  Allow me to teach you as you would teach a little child.  When you come to me as a child then I can teach you great and awesome things that mature adults know nothing of.  To be as a child you must first trust me even as a child trusts their Earthly Mother and Fathers. (That is Fathers and Mothers that know of my love).  The child depends on them for their every need especially the need for love.  The child trusts the loving parents to protect them.  The child wants to spend time with the loving parents.  The child learns to laugh and enjoy life.  The child has privileges and rights that strangers or even close friends never can or will have. 

  My hope is that you become even closer to me than the child I just described did with his loving Earthly parents.  I love you so much.  Oh, if you could just receive this love!!  Please do not run away from my presence.  I love you more than any man could.  I long for you to come into this love!!  I long for you to trust me with all that you are, so that I can make you all that you were intended to be, when I first thought of you.  Allow your tears to fall this is me touching and healing your heart.  I play love songs for you; I give you beautiful Earthly blessings. 

  I am speaking to you right this moment just because I love you.  Oh, that my people would just be able to receive my love!  Until we speak again Paul my child remember I love you and care about every care you have had just let me love you and care for you.  I love you; I love you now and forever, Your Heavenly Father.

Ps. In my eyes you are perfect, and I have many awesome hopes and plans for you.

My Quiet Time

Below is what God spoke to me in my quite time.

You are lost, I am here to free you.
You will be saved through me, and only by me, you will feel peace. Do not assume any unrecognized knowledge as your own, but assume me as your knowledge and you will know all. You are doing great, just stay on my path and do not stray or you will be conflicted by sin. Do not listen to your own thoughts but listen to my voice for I should be the only. Love me and I will love you, but if you hate me, I still will still love you. Receive my blessing of the holy spirit and destroy all evil that comes before you, for you are my creation that I have created. Spread my word to all  and for you will be closer to me.  Love me for who you are because you are perfect in every way. Praise me, release me for you will love, and do not hate each other due to insecurities but accept a persons flaws and move along. I am godly and sometimes you know not. I have freed you and you do not come to the full acknowledgement of my grace. The time has come for the demons to fall that try to return for I am your savior. The gifts you have were born into you & you will use them for me. I will not speak aloud to you but I will show you through your dreams and thoughts. Repent for I am the truth and you will not be lost.

My Testimony

I was truly saved on 3/27/11, I was lost for the longest time even after I was saved the last two times a few years back. My mother practices witchcraft along with having a Muslim bloodline which I believe dampened my sanity along with the on going sin that consumed me. I felt like all hope was lost and that I was stuck to face the punishment in my human temple. I was stuck worrying about earthly ways.

Who ever knows me doesn’t even know this because sometimes I feel lost with my words at times but I had a voice come inside my head on the Friday before I became saved saying that you will have the next two days of your life a living hell! And I believed that if I did go to Jason’s class that maybe my spirits would be lifted.

What happened next was terrifying. I felt like I’ve had demons inside me for the longest time but if finally showed it’s ugly face. I was so scared… I said things and even tried to hurt them that I would have never done in a million years.. to complete strangers! My emotions ran wild from sadness to complete over powering rage!!! The struggle lasted for 4 hours.

Then finally truth came into my heart and the will to LIVE finally put its hold on me. I FINALLY felt peace and I rejoiced!

If you are reading this… I want you to reread it again to ingrain this inside you that this is a real testimony and demons are very real! And they will lie to you, promise false hope, give you riches and a identity to cover up what is good inside of you! (Thank you Jason for telling me this tonight :-] )

If you are not saved, you do possess the strength to push it out of you and claim your soul for it is yours! Jesus is the path to salvation and he offers truth! I hope my testimony is enough to make you believe!

Twenty-one minutes with God (3-21-11)

Paul MorehouseMy Son you know that I love you, and that you are my Son? Ponder on what I just asked you, but do not do it, in guilt, but in Love. In the days ahead my people will need to know the answer to that question, so they can be my leaders. I am recruiting even now. Do not allow the things of this world keep you from your destiny, yes the destiny that I have for you.

 Where you have failed in the past you will begin to pass now. I love you. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and my righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you. I love you.

Do those things that will count for Eternity for the rest is only temporary. You need to learn to be my friend. I tell you that all the people who crucified my Son, crucified him out of their own selfishness and guilt. They could not bear the Truth that Jesus showed them, it was over whelming. Do not be like those, but be my friend. Be my friend. I love you. I would not ask you to be my friend if it were not possible. Only those who tie themselves to me will remain, after the storm that is coming. Be my friend. I love you. Everything will be ok, I am your friend. Love God. I will never leave you nor forsake you, be not afraid, I love you.

4-1-11 a word about fear

Paul Morehouse4-1-11 A word about fear and love
Paul, I know the fears you face. You only need to change your focus from fear vision to faith vision, or (Kingdom vision). There is no fear in my kingdom. My Son overcame fear vision by staying focused on me, but he did not do it in his own strength. He drew courage and strength from me. My Son, remember perfect love casts out fear. Perfect Love is seeing past the temporary and seeing into Eternity. Know this life in the flesh is only temporary. Choose to look away from the temporary and see your destiny which is with me the Father, I am your Eternity.
Focus, focus but do it out of my Love and not out of your works.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness he responded by focusing on me the Father and Eternity with me. Today men focus on their troubles and problems more than on me. (Fear feeds off of men having the wrong focus). See eternity with me. Live each day looking at Eternity with me, and my Love. If you do this fear will begin to falter, it can’t stand in my Presence.
Love Your Heavenly Father Forever.

3-31-11 Needing recognition

Paul Morehouse3-31-11 Needing Recognition
Hold my hand son, and know that I love and recognize you for who I created you to be. You are perfected in Christ. There is no need for man to recognize you though you may think so. Seek me just as hard as you would when you were seeking recognition from man, and I will show you who you really are in me. You will recognize yourself. Don’t turn away from the mirror, that is showing who you are in me, and don’t forget who you are.
Remember, remember! I love you. Jesus didn’t seek recognition from man; he only sought me and notice where He will be for Eternity. Recognition from man lasts for a season, but my recognition for you lasts for Eternity.
When you fully come into your identity in me and make that number one, then you will no longer need to fix the brokenness that craves for man’s recognition.
Remember the rich man that ended up separated from me? He was recognized on the Earth while he was still breathing and ended up separated in death. I long for you to walk with me, “hold my hand Son”
Love God your Father.

Paul Morehouse

3-30-11 no longer alone.

Paul Morehouse3-30-11 Listening to God on dealing, with loneliness.
Hi Paul I love you. Yes, man must learn to Love their bodies, and not abuse what I have given them. Men abuse themselves because they don’t or aren’t able to trust me enough to fix them. Anytime you try to deal with life without me you only end up hurting yourself, (this is not Love). If you can Love then I and the Father will be able to help you. (by making our abode with you). Please don’t be afraid you can trust us. If you choose to continue without our presence you will miss out on many presents we have for you. I Jesus pray to the Father always that you will choose to join us, in all areas not just when it is convenient for you. You see if you would be willing to abide with us even if it is not convenient then you will have life and have it more abundantly.
So many people miss out on life because; they choose to trust in themselves more than in I and the Father. To choose to be separate from us is death. We want you to be where we are and that is Life!! We love you more than you can imagine. Yes, the sparkle of Glory dust that you just saw on the paper was to remind you that we are here and you aren’t alone so don’t live your life as if you are alone. Choose to stay in the faith that says I am not alone. Let us reveal ourselves to you by choosing to fight the feeling of aloneness. I love when you choose to sit and listen for our Voices; this proves that you are not alone. If you will only choose to hear our voices the then you will be able to fight the feeling of abandonment, and aloneness. We will never leave you nor forsake you, you are not alone!! You don’t have to go through this life alone. The moment you chose to believe that my Son died for you is the moment that you were brought into my presence, this was my present to you.
The next time you are feeling alone choose to get quiet and listen for my voice, and know that you are no longer alone. By choosing this you will be able to know the Truth and the Truth will set you free!! Even in these 19 minutes you have heard truth now listen to it and live. I mean really live!!

Love your Father, P.S know you are never alone.

Paul Morehouse

A quiet time with God 3-12-11

Paul MorehouseYou will need to be able to hear me in all situations, and circumstances. Thank
you for being still and just listening. I love that. You will be one of my hearers.
When you choose to seek me with your whole heart, you will hear even more
clearly. I will take care of the court issues don’t worry about them, watch and
see!! I love you! Do not worry about the pride of others. You just focus on
staying humble. I am doing a cleansing in the land, especially in men’s hearts.
Rest in me, rest in me, breathe, breathe. I want to hold your hand don’t pull
away in times of trouble. Don’t forget your true Identity; ground your Identity
in me and nothing else. Love, Love, Love and then love some more, never quit
loving people.

You are my student and I am your teacher. If you listen closely I will teach you
great and mighty things that others do not know of. Relax, Relax everything will
turn out good and be used for my Glory.

Learn of my love. Eat, drink and swallow my love, let the consumed become
the consumer.

I long to teach you many things, but at present you can’t bear them. Make
every effort to enter my Kingdom and live there for my Kingdom is at hand. I
love you, I love you, accept it, accept it, I mean really accept it as Truth. Once
you accept my love for you as infallible truth then everything else in your life
can and will change. I am still God. No matter what is going on in your life, I
decide all things. It will all be ok. LOVE God, your Father.

Ps. Tell Jason I said hi.

Paul Morehouse

21 Minutes with God

Paul Morehouse

Oh, little one, give me your fears. Trust me don’t panic. Just relax like Jesus did in the boat when he was sleeping, he was in my perfect peace. I love you not for what you do right, but because love is what I do. I am Love. I pray for you daily. Oh, that all men would give me twenty minutes and just listen. (True Christians can hear as you are right now because of the new covenant. Let my peace cover you, heart, mind, body, and soul. I love you for your heart. I love you for your mind. I love you for your soul. Remember the body you have is only temporary. The world is temporary even as your body is temporary; it is not your true Identity. I am your Identity. Learn to relax in me, and in relaxing in me you will find the power you need to overcome the evil one.

I love how you set your timer, because it is in setting your timer that you are able to activate your faith. (It is and always was that simple.) And nothing can stop you from hearing me. It is so simple that men have over looked it in their arrogance and self-justification of sins!

I love you and the whole answer is love!!! The whole answer is love!!! You need not be afraid, because your future is with me!! Your destiny was always intended to end up in My Kingdom.