4-1-11 a word about fear

Paul Morehouse4-1-11 A word about fear and love
Paul, I know the fears you face. You only need to change your focus from fear vision to faith vision, or (Kingdom vision). There is no fear in my kingdom. My Son overcame fear vision by staying focused on me, but he did not do it in his own strength. He drew courage and strength from me. My Son, remember perfect love casts out fear. Perfect Love is seeing past the temporary and seeing into Eternity. Know this life in the flesh is only temporary. Choose to look away from the temporary and see your destiny which is with me the Father, I am your Eternity.
Focus, focus but do it out of my Love and not out of your works.
When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness he responded by focusing on me the Father and Eternity with me. Today men focus on their troubles and problems more than on me. (Fear feeds off of men having the wrong focus). See eternity with me. Live each day looking at Eternity with me, and my Love. If you do this fear will begin to falter, it can’t stand in my Presence.
Love Your Heavenly Father Forever.

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